Science Shows Meditation Benefits Children's Brains And Behaviour (Forbes)

Science Shows Meditation Benefits Children's Brains And Behaviour (Forbes)

Kids in social-emotional learning programs that are coupled with mindfulness show greater empathy, perspective-taking, and emotional control. Learn why kid-focused mindfulness training (the kind we spearhead and practice at Kidevolve) can and should be a key ingredient in SEL learning programs at home and at school.

Mindfulness For Kids: How To Teach Your Child To Live In The Moment (Alyson Schafer - HuffPost Canada)

Mindfulness For Kids: How To Teach Your Child To Live In The Moment (Alyson Schafer - HuffPost Canada)

When Alyson Schafer talks, parents listen. As a therapist, author of 3 extraordinary parenting books, and an internationally acclaimed parenting expert and speaker, Alyson empowers families by sharing her principles, rules and tools for raising happy and healthy kids. Here's her latest take on how to bring mindfulness into your home... and check out her beloved Chocolate Meditation! Sounds delicious (not to mention, easy to implement).

Why Mindfulness Belongs in the Classroom (

Why Mindfulness Belongs in the Classroom (

Getting schools to recognize the importance of mindfulness training for young children is the next big step in children's mental health. More and more regular schools are budgeting for these types of initiatives, so that kids can improve concentration, reduce stress, improve self-regulation and better connect with feelings of community. Check out what they are doing at the Momentous school...

10 Ways To Teach Mindfulness To Your Kids Without Even Trying (

10 Ways To Teach Mindfulness To Your Kids Without Even Trying (

Kid's doing mindfulness doesn’t have to mean 20 minutes of quietly sitting and taking deep breaths. In fact, this is exactly the wrong approach for most young children. Starting to think about different ways of getting kids the benefits of a regular mindfulness practice, without all the boring bits, is EXACTLY what we're all about at Kidevolve...

9 Things Every Parent with an Anxious Child Should Try (GoZen)

9 Things Every Parent with an Anxious Child Should Try (GoZen)

Children of all ages struggle with anxiety, which can end up being a lifelong, crippling condition. We now know that helping kids learn to identify anxiety (see: being a thought detective!) and address it head-on (allowing worry to have voice and exist) can bring torrents of emotional relief. Here are some simple ways to help our little worriers move into a place where they can feel more personal power...

Teen Depression and Anxiety: Why the Kids Are Not Alright (by Susanna Schrobsdorff)

Teen Depression and Anxiety: Why the Kids Are Not Alright (by Susanna Schrobsdorff)

Many of our teens are in trouble... with anxiety and depression looming large in their lives. Early exposure to mindfulness practices (at the elementary level) can make a big difference, giving kids an accessible approach to self-management, emotional awareness and strengthening resilience. To help young kids combat depression and anxiety, check out our first four Creative Mind Journeys. Our unique mindfuness audio tracks are for kids aged 5-10. They are super fun stories that double as guided practices. Enjoy!