Pandemic Help For Families - Kidevolve's Creative Mind Journeys launch on YouTube

Welcome to Kidevolve’s Imaginarium and the awesome world of Creative Mind Journeys. We’re thrilled to announce that our soothing, zesty, zany, inspiring (re: NOT BORING) audio stories are finally LIVE on YouTube! Kids who’ve come to know and cherish our stories in audio format, can now see the characters they love come alive in epic settings that enhance the overall experience.

We have a huge selection of free mindfulness training videos for kids, with more coming all the time. Check out brand new learning playlists like: Self-Control, Sleep Zone, Gratitude and Anxiety Helper…

SUPPORT DURING THE PANDEMIC: Kids are dealing with vastly increased losses and challenges during these pandemic days, as well as ongoing uncertainty and heightened levels of family stress… and the Kidevolve YouTube channel is the perfect format for help. It’s easy to access, visually appealing, and full of quick and easy techniques to self-regulate, find focus and calm down.

During long and tedious home-schooling days - try assigning one Creative Mind Journey each morning for a quick, feel-good pick me up. These amazing mindfulness audio stories can be a super fun and meaningful part of the academic day for all those newly appointed - dare we say, less than enthusiastic? - home-schoolers. Why not help them learn to bolster and hone EQ skills alongside the regular roster of subjects?

***So jump in on YouTube and hit Subscribe to watch these stories come alive in a new way. You’ll be notified each time a new Creative Mind Journey gets posted! Join us as we help this generation of kids grow up mentally stronger, healthier and happier.!***

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Check out what Hope Paterson thinks about how to dive in to our Creative Mind Journeys on YouTube - she’s a marketing/innovation whiz, a mother of two fantastic kids, and one of Kidveolve’s earliest advisors….her open-minded, compassionate and creative vision helped shape the unique model we use today.

EMPOWERING KIDS: We’ve made simple mindfulness techniques delightful and engaging for kids…  so they actually want to tune in all on their own (no arm-twisting needed). This is what makes Kidevolve’s Imaginarium different. Our stories mix music, sound fx, incredible voice talent and pure whimsy to deliver highly imaginative tales that double as smart guided practices!

Kidevolve helps kids take charge of their monkey minds and their strong emotions by giving them an easy-to-use toolbelt of EQ techniques that will buoy them for life.
— Kirsten Chase, Kidevolve founder

HOW DO I GET KIDS STARTED?: Grownups - pay attention. It’s up to you to make the first Creative Mind Journey introductions. Gather up your 6-12 year old kids, and have fun reviewing our playlists. Watch together the first few times, so you can discuss themes and feelings (before and afterwards) Then stand back and watch as kids request our stories all on their own.

HOW DO I GIVE FEEDBACK?: Tell us what worked and what tickled the fancy of the children in your life. Tell us which stories are most popular, and translate to your family and school routines most seamlessly. And if there are specific skills and mindfulness techniques you don’t see in our roster, we’ll build a special Creative Mind Journey to meet this need!

HOW CAN I CONTRIBUTE & HELP KIDEVOLVE MAKE MORE STORIES : There are several ways you can help us grow our unique mindfulness training ecosystem for kids: 1) recommend us to your friends, family, educators & mental health professionals, 2) if you have a platform that reaches kids and families, contact us to find out how to partner, 3) If you’re a creator, send us cool script ideas or sound clips (email here for guidelines), and 4) donate through our website (so we can support new creative professionals and mindfulness whizzes, and get our stories out to more kids globally).

💝 Lots more at and follow our Blog & Newsletter for program updates, news, and curated content on [mindfulness + kids].💝

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💝 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE on YouTube! 💝