Wednesday Kid's Mindfulness Challenge - Brew Up some Homemade Heart Medicine

Kids continue to face new challenges as summer schedules morph, interrupt and find new footing. Change and loss can be unsettling for kids (even scary and depressing) - and although they’re wonderfully resilient - kids can be as hard on themselves as the adults. It’s time to introduce them to the ancient art of Metta (loving-kindness) in a way that is campy, breezy and effortless! Knowing how to send yourself compassion and kindness when tensions run high, is an invaluable skill.

Try whipping up a batch of highly-valuable, highly-reliable, proven-over-a-Bazillion-years ‘Heart Medicine’. Designed for kids aged 6-10.

Do you ever get hurt? On the outside, or even on the inside? In this journey YOU become the doctor who whips up a batch of feel-good medicine that you can use whenever you need it. Shine it on an achy elbow, slather it on an achy heart or send it out to someone else who might need it. This medicine is guaranteed to brighten up your sore spots, so apply generously and repeat when needed.

As filmmaker, director and all-around superstar mindfulness educator Christine Alevizakis tells kids, in this soothing Creative Mind Journey:

…. That, my friend, is the warm, happy feeling of an OPEN heart. Blooming open… like a big, fat flower in spring. And here’s a secret (that feeling - the one of your heart smiling and opening), is ACTUALLY a highly-valuable, highly -eliable (proven over a bazillion years to work) ‘magical medicine’. It’s a medicine you can’t buy, or rent, or ship in from a far away factory… you make it INSIDE of you. and it comes right from your heart.

This story builds: compassion, concentration, inner calm, self-love, resilience


We invite you to clear some quiet space (where kids can lie down or sit in a comfy chair or beanbag), and line up this 14 minute journey for a chilled-out Wednesday summer break activity. This story is all about sending loving, caring, heart-soaked magical medicine to exactly where you need it! Finally, mindfulness training that’s actually fun for kids….