
Deepak Chopra: on how to not be overwhelmed by fear and anxiety

Fear, unease and anxiety around the current COVID-19 pandemic remains constant, and can cause strong emotions in adults and children. Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.

When parents have strategies to stay calm, kids can stay calm… and Dr. Deepak Chopra has lots to say on this topic.

Families are interrelated systems and kids take cues from how parents position information, their tone of voice, their sense of urgency… and their overall optimism. Even in the presence of great challenge.

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Dr. Deepak Chopra talks with Recode's Kara Swisher about how to cope with the global threat posed by coronavirus, the parallel "pandemic of panic," and how to not be overwhelmed by fear and anxiety. Comparing it to past pandemics and wars, he says the COVID-19 outbreak is an invitation to stop denying our shared humanity and finally recognize our power to use our creativity to save ourselves.

Listen to this insightful and calming podcast here…