10 year old Kidevolve kid-tester Ella interviews Jeff Warren!

10 year old Kidevolve kid-tester Ella interviews Jeff Warren!

Ever wondered what it takes to create one of Kidevolve’s super engaging Creative Mind Journey audio tracks or why kids like them so much? Check out our second podcast where 10 year old Ella Davies interviews our lead creator Jeff Warren about his favourite Kidevolve characters and why he thinks learning mindfulness is cool for kids of all ages.

Jeff and Ella find a comfortable groove, chatting and sharing information about why mindfulness is important and how it can help kids learn more about what’s going on inside.

How Compassion Could Be the Cure for Chronic Stress (Goop)

How Compassion Could Be the  Cure for Chronic Stress (Goop)

This much we know: Taking deep breaths relieves stress in your body; compassion relieves stress in relationships. Understanding that both are psychophysiological phenomena can impact how we parent and how we teach the next generation to function better in the world. Also, we need to realize that not every child is born with the same compassion ‘set-point’, so helping kids build and enhance what they start with is essential for healthy communities in the future.

Mindful Games Activity Cards (by Susan Kaiser Greenland & Annaka Harris)

Mindful Games Activity Cards (by Susan Kaiser Greenland & Annaka Harris)

There are, of course, many ways to introduce kids to Mindfulness meditation. We’ve discovered this deck of 55 innovative mindfulness games for kids, brought to you by Susan Kaiser Greenland (author of Mindful Games and The Mindful Child) and Annaka Harris (author of CONSCIOUS: A Brief Guide to the Fundamental Mystery of the Mind  and the children's book I Wonder).

Check out 'The Best Men Can Be' Short Film (Gillette)

Check out 'The Best Men Can Be' Short Film (Gillette)

Here’s a ground-breaking video aimed at toxic masculinity… important to share with the boys and men in your lives. What kinds of boys do we want to raise? What messaging needs to change at home, at school? How can we prevent our boys from endlessly adhering to the ‘bro-code’ and empower them to be the kind of compassionate, aware, connected men we need on the planet in the future.

Groundbreaking study examines effects of screen time on kids (60 Minutes - CBS News)

Groundbreaking study examines effects of screen time on kids (60 Minutes - CBS News)

We’ve long suspected that regular iPad use and today’s multidimensional video games might have negative impacts on kids, especially when they’re young. Now we know this to be true and we cannot ignore it. Vastly differentiated from the passive television watching of the not-so-distant past, today’s tech is DESIGNED to get kids addicted, keep them needing more and leaving them feeling isolated and depressed. If there was ever a time to reduce screen time in your household, it’s now. The data is in. As a more healthy alternative, try giving kids new exposures like Kidevolve’s Creative Mind Journeys (our wildly silly, super fun mindfulness audio tracks), or Tinkercast’s Wow in the World podcasts (delivering science though amazing, compelling audio journeys). In both cases, kids can still use tech as the delivery platform… but now, wee imaginations are truly encouraged to expand, problem solve, test and unfurl! Watch the change in positive behaviour (and inner joy) after only a few audio exposures, and ask kids how they feel by contrast. Their answers might surprise you, Thank you 60 Minutes and Anderson Cooper for such excellent, valuable reporting!

10 year old Kidevolve kid-tester Connor interviews mindfulness creator Jeff Warren!

10 year old Kidevolve kid-tester Connor interviews mindfulness creator Jeff Warren!

Ever wondered what it takes to create one of Kidevolve’s fantastically engaging Creative Mind Journeys? 10 year old Connor Chase interviews our lead creator Jeff Warren about his creative process, his favourite CMJ characters, why he thinks learning mindfulness is super helpful for kids of all ages, and generally, what makes him tick. Jeff gives Connor a run for his money and does not let him dominate the interview - some tall order! - skillfully flipping the energy around so that Connor must also share what makes learning mindfulness in Kidevolve’s unique format so special to him. Connor obliges while also managing to keep free-spirited Jeff right on schedule. What results in an enjoyable exchange between two perceptive, nimble friends: the interviewee - a grownup who has never lost touch with his awesome inner kid, and the interviewer - a kid who has always operated as an inner grownup.