
Anxiety and Coping With the Coronavirus (Child Mind Institute)

Anxiety and Coping With the Coronavirus (Child Mind Institute)

The Child Mind Institute’s experts say that dealing with your own anxiety can be the most powerful way to make sure your kids feel secure. If you or your children are feeling worried, learning how to deal with that anxiety in a healthy way can help the whole family be more resilient, both now and when the pandemic is finally over.

Energy and Calm: 'Brain Breaks' & Focused-Attention Practices (George Lucas Educational Foundation)

Energy and Calm: 'Brain Breaks' & Focused-Attention Practices (George Lucas Educational Foundation)

When we take a ‘brain break’, it refreshes our thinking and helps us discover another solution to a problem or see a situation through a different lens. A ‘focused-attention’ practice is a brain exercise for quieting the thousands of thoughts that distract and frustrate us each day. Here are simple techniques to get kids of all ages involved in both game-changing practices!

Friday Kid's Mindfulness Challenge - Get some 'Outer' Space from Worries!

Friday Kid's Mindfulness Challenge - Get some 'Outer' Space from Worries!

Do you ever get so worried about stuff that you became a freakout-worry-freakazoid? I know I do. When this happens, one cool trick is to use our imaginations and climb into a big puffy space suit and then float up to the ceiling and into the sky. When we get space like this, our worries get less strong. We can see how everyone else also has worries and feels different emotions. Our worries become a way for us to feel more connected to people, and that feels really nice. When this happens, our worries may actually begin to shrink. We feel more room inside and can open our arms W-I-D-E, W-I-D-E, W-I-D-E! Try it out!